Ocean Seven 308 CTD OEM Education Module
The OCEAN SEVEN 308 CTD OEM EDUCATION MODULE combines very high-quality electronics with exceptional sensors accuracy fulfilling the demand for a self-recording high performance CTD probe with very compact dimension and very low power consumption. This CTD can be easily integrated/adapted to third-party systems such us Argo profilers, drifters, USV, ROVs and AUVs. IDRONAUT prides itself on the design of its full ocean depth, pump-free, low-maintenance sensor, central to which is the high accuracy seven-platinum-ring quartz conductivity cell. The self-flushing sensors makes this CTD ideal for fast profiling in a wide range of water types. The OS308 CTD standard interface is RS232C; other optional interfaces are: RS485 and wireless.
Features a very fast platinum resistance thermometer (response time: 50 ms). Negligible self-heating effect. Optionally combined C/T sensor featuring a 7ms fast thermistor (20 ms after processing) integrated in the conductivity cell is available upon request.
The high accuracy seven-platinum-ring quartz conductivity cell (patented) can be cleaned in the field without the need for re-calibration. This unique quartz cell employs a large diameter (8mm) and a short length (46mm) to guarantee self-flushing and no clogging after long-term deployment even in biologically active waters. Furthermore, an optional UV LED (280 nm), integrated into the conductivity cell, sterilizes the sample under measurement, thus avoiding the early growth of biofouling inside the quartz measuring cell.
Automatic, real-time data transmission compatible with: Bluefin and OEX AUVs are available, together with a proprietary data transmission format. To further reduce weight and size a shorter housing is available upon request.
The OS308 CTD is equipped with a 4Gbyte data memory, which allows the storing of about 250 millions data sets, each one being composed of the reading of all the installed sensors plus the acquisition date and time.
The OS308 CTD can be equipped with the following sensors to measure:
(1) Other standard pressure transducers, immediately available, have: 10, 40, 100, 200, 500, 2000, 4000, 7000, 10000 dbar ranges.
(2) At 1 m/second flow rate.
(3) A special calibration is needed.
The fundamental properties of seawater like: Salinity, Water Density, Oxygen ppm are obtained using the algorithms described in the UNESCO “Technical papers in marine science no.44”.
The fresh water properties like: TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), Fresh Water Conductivity corrected at 20°C and 25°C are automatically calculated.
(1) High precision pressure transducer have immediately available: 100, 2000, 4000, 7000, 10000 dbar ranges.
Idronaut software allow the operator to configure the OS308 data acquisition, logger functions and upload data from the memory. They are:
- WTERM: Windows Terminal emulation software to easily communicate with the OS308 using the built-in operator interface and communication protocol. Users are easily able to view real time data, configure the probe for unattended acquisition and upload stored data.
- REDAS-5: Windows Data processing and retrieval software, which allows the display and plotting of conductivity, temperature, pressure and derived variables such as salinity, sound speed and water density, according to UNESCO formulas and recommendations.