CT-01Plus Conductivity Temperature Standards
The “Conductivity-Temperature Transfer Standard CT-01Plus” is a compact and rugged instrument designed for the metrology laboratories to perform calibration of oceanographic CTD probes. It combines a Primary Standard 100 ohm RPRT (Reference Platinum Resistance Thermometer), a large-sized Idronaut self-flushing cell provided with seven internal rings of fused platinum in the quartz with a microprocessor controlled high resolution and high accuracy electronic amplifier.
Optionally, the CT-01Plus can become a redundant measuring system when equipped with two temperature and two conductivity sensors.
The high performance electronics collects and transmits the temperature and conductivity readings through the RS232C interface from 1 to 10 times per second. The functions of the CT-01Plus are managed by means of a simple communication protocol through the RS232C interface. A Windows interfacing and calibration management programme “ICAL”, which greatly simplifies the CTD probes calibrations, completes the CT-01Plus.
- CT-01Plus Deck Unit.
- RPRT Reference Platinum Resistance Thermometer.
- Conductivity Cell.
- Windows “ICAL” Management Software.
CT-01Plus Temperature
CT-01Plus Conductivity
CT-01Plus Characteristics
Calibration and management program that greatly simplifies and automates the calibration of conductivity, temperature and pressure sensors.
Interface up to 4 Idronaut OCEAN SEVEN 3xx CTD and the CT-01STD.